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We rely on social media to stay in touch with loved ones around the world and run our businesses. But is this tech doing more harm than good? Let's discuss.Read the full story

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SoftBank's results have improved dramatically, with a total net profit of about $29.9 billion between April and September 2020 (up 371 percent year-over-year)Read the full story

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Implementing change in any organization is a task of herculean proportions. But in this guide we explain how to manage change through the Kubler Ross method.Read the full story

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Read this post to understand how Clubhouse is helping people manage isolation during the pandemic.Read the full story

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Basing our decision on what’s going to happen in the future and not what investments have been made in the past by treating every decision as a new one is indeed very difficult. It’s not a clear, straightforward choice. Read the full story

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ShaRF stands for Shape-conditioned Radiance Fields from a Single View. The goal is to take a picture of a real-life object, and translate this into a 3D scene.Read the full story

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The decentralised finance industry grows larger and more sophisticated by the day. Now is a great time to become a liquidity provider.Read the full story

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