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Welcome to the official channel of the Edoardo Agnelli Islamic Association, dedicated to Islam and the stories of converts.

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💢An interview with Joanna Francis American journalist:

Q4. How did you get to know so much about #Islam and #Muslim Women?

As I mentioned earlier, I began researching the #Islamic world after 9/11 and I discovered that most of what we had been brainwashed into believing about #Muslims was not true. I also took the time to speak with Muslim #Americans about their views on #politics and their opinions about wearing Hijab, for example, and was surprised that most of the Muslim women with whom I spoke actually enjoyed wearing #Hijab and felt it was an #honor and mark of respect. I began to admire their #modesty and self-respect and I realized that any culture in which #women are modest and traditional is set up by Zionists to be liberalized. But not for the benefit of the #women as they say. Rather, to corrupt them and ultimately destroy their #culture and society. Breaking up the family is the surest way to ruin a society, and convincing women to become sexually promiscuous is not in the women's best interest.

💢An #interview with Joanna Francis American journalist:

Q. What is the first thing about American women that you would like to change or fix?

The first thing I would like to fix about American women is exactly what I described above. I look at old #photographs of women of my grandmother's generation and I can see that they wore long, #beautiful dresses. They did not wear veils, but they definitely did not wear short #skirts or show their legs in any way. Then I look at pictures of the 1960s and see that women first started to wear short skirts and much more revealing clothing and that is when the #divorce rates increased (now 50% in the U.S.), #abortions increased, and it became impossible for women to earn the love of a man without sex. My #advice to #American women is to dress modestly and do not have sexual relations until they are married. If a man does not #love her enough to wait, then he is not worthy of her. Modesty, #modesty , modesty!

🌺Islam has introduced #hijab as a part of #decency and #modesty for every #woman.

مرضیه کردافشاری؛دانشجوی ایرانی درهند:
🌺اسلام حجاب را مایه نجابت و عفت برای هر بانویی قرار داده است.
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A peculiar embrace of #hijab in the Netherlands!

🔹 Rows of Dutch women lining up behind the doors of a hijab boutique in Amsterdam!
(A boutique here refers to a fashion and women's clothing exhibition)

🔹 The positive functions of hijab and the crises stemming from unveiledness are gradually leading Western women to appreciate and understand the value of hijab.


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🔻Dear Ms. Paula Di Bello, a psychologist from Uruguay who embraced Islam five years ago, says: "I was 23 when I saw a veiled woman for the first time. My heart was paralyzed. I immediately understood its essence. This woman was a queen who challenged everything. She was free from the influences of fashion and attached no importance to conforming to the masses. That image stayed with me for years. Until ten years later, I embraced Islam myself.

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#HijabIdentity #VeiledWomen #MuslimWomen #Modesty #WesternPerception #FantasyNotions #IslamicValues
Rahyafte (The Guided Ones)
🔻Dear Ms. Paula Di Bello, a psychologist from Uruguay who embraced Islam five years ago, says: "I was 23 when I saw a veiled woman for the first time. My heart was paralyzed. I immediately understood its essence. This woman was a queen who challenged everything. She was free from the influences of fashion and attached no importance to conforming to the masses. That image stayed with me for years. Until ten years later, I embraced Islam myself.

I started wearing the hijab, and from the very first moment, I felt its benefits. The hijab is not just covering the hair; it encompasses modesty as well. Only after experiencing it did I realize that my hijab gives me an identity as a Muslim, a believer, and a respectable woman. The hijab protects me not only from the eyes of men but also from anyone who might evaluate me based on anything other than capability, intellect, and heart.

It's strange how the perception of unveiled Western women towards veiled women is so beautiful. Meanwhile, in our country, some teenage girls, with fantasy notions, seek a failed Western model.

Source: Al Jazeera

Aaliyah Sadat

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#HijabIdentity #VeiledWomen #MuslimWomen #Modesty #WesternPerception #FantasyNotions #IslamicValues
Rahimpoor Azghadi: They tell us not to legislate in favor of the hijab, yet they themselves defend nudity and homosexuality through the law.

🚫 Member of the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council commemorates Student Day at Payam-e Noor University in Mashhad: If the issue of hijab is not related to the law, why do you enact laws against the hijab? You even passed a law for homosexuals.

📜 Defending nudity and homosexuality through the law, and then claiming that Muslims have no right to legislate in favor of modest dress – we are Muslims, not liberals. The West, claiming to be liberal with slogans of freedom for clothing and everything else, why do they enact such laws? They lie; they are deceitful.

#HijabLaw #Modesty #IslamicValues #Liberalism #FreedomOfChoice #DeceptiveLaws #MuslimIdentity 🌐 @rahyafte_en
Imam Sadiq (ع)

"The veil of a woman is more beneficial for her freshness and beauty."

📍 Al-Mustadrak, Vol. 5
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#ImamSadiq #HijabWisdom #Modesty #BeautyInIslam #IslamicValues #RahyafteEn
Rahyafte (The Guided Ones)
Leyla Hossein, formerly Jewish, recently converted to Islam. The first thing that inspired me was the Quran. All the evidence I found indicated that this is a true religion... Check out Leyla's inspiring journey here: https://rahyafteha.ir/69408/ #Conversion…
🌟 Embracing Islam: A Journey of Discovery and Faith 🌟

In a world filled with diverse cultures and beliefs, one woman's journey stands out as a testament to the power of faith and self-discovery. Meet Leyla Hossein, a remarkable soul who, despite her Jewish upbringing, found solace and truth in the embrace of Islam.

Leyla's story begins six years ago, in a tight-knit Jewish community where she resided. While the path to Islam may seem daunting to some, for Leyla, it was a natural progression fueled by a profound spiritual awakening. She recalls, "The first thing that inspired me was the Quran. All the evidence I found indicated that this is a true religion..."

But Leyla's journey wasn't just about a change in faith; it was a transformation of the heart and mind. Growing up, she had always admired veiled women, seeing them as symbols of purity and dignity. "I've always admired veiled women, seeing them as pure and dignified," Leyla shares. Despite societal norms and familial expectations, she knew deep within her soul that embracing Islamic hijab was her path to spiritual fulfillment.

The decision to wear hijab wasn't without its challenges. Living in France, where hijab is forbidden in many public spaces, Leyla faced criticism and opposition from her own family. Yet, she stood firm in her conviction, guided by the teachings of the Quran and the example of the Prophet Muhammad. "For me, it was important because the Quran and many traditions of the Prophet emphasize the importance of hijab and being recognized as a Muslim to gain respect," Leyla explains.

But Leyla's journey is not just about personal conviction; it's also a reflection of broader societal trends. Despite the rise of Islamophobia and anti-Islamic sentiments in Western media, statistics show a growing interest in Islam, particularly among women. The allure of hijab, with its message of modesty and inner peace, resonates deeply with many seeking spiritual fulfillment in today's chaotic world.

Indeed, interviews with newly converted Muslim women reveal a common thread: an initial attraction to veiled women followed by a curiosity about Islam and its teachings. It's a testament to the power of modesty and faith in a world that often values materialism over spirituality.

Yet, as the popularity of hijab grows, so too does resistance from certain quarters. Western states, fearful of Islam's rising influence, seek to suppress veiled women, oblivious to the fact that faith cannot be extinguished by force. For Islam is not merely a set of beliefs; it is a way of life rooted in the natural disposition of humanity.

As Leyla's journey demonstrates, true faith transcends cultural boundaries and societal norms. It's a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment, guided by the light of truth and the wisdom of the heart.

So let Leyla's story be a beacon of hope for all who seek truth and meaning in their lives. Let it remind us that faith knows no bounds and that the path to enlightenment is open to all who dare to seek it. In a world filled with uncertainty, may Leyla's journey inspire us to embrace our own spiritual truths and walk boldly into the light of faith. 🌟🕊️

#EmbracingIslam #JourneyOfFaith #Hijab #Modesty #SpiritualAwakening #Truth #Inspiration #Islamophobia #Society #WomenInIslam 🕌
The Harms of #Music in the Teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

🔴 1⃣ Sudden Death and Unanswered Prayers
Imam Sadiq (AS) states:
"A house where music and singing are present is not safe from sudden death and painful calamities. Prayers are not accepted in such a house, and angels do not enter it." (1)

🔴 2⃣ Cause of Hypocrisy
Imam Sadiq (AS) also says:
"Playing music plants the seed of hypocrisy in the heart just as water helps plants grow." (2)

🔴 3⃣ Loss of Blessings in Life
The Prophet (SAW) declares:
"Angels do not enter a house that contains gambling, alcohol, or musical instruments. The prayers of the inhabitants are not accepted, and blessings depart from that house." (3)

🔴 4⃣ Leading to Adultery
The Prophet (SAW) warns:
"Music and singing lead a person towards adultery." (4)
In another narration, it is said: "Avoid music and singing, for they erode modesty, increase sexual desires, destroy manliness, and do everything that alcohol does. If you are addicted to music, avoid women, for music and women together lead a person to adultery." (5)

🔴 5⃣ Punishment in the Hereafter
The Prophet (SAW) states:
"Whoever listens to frivolous entertainment will have molten lead poured into their ears on the Day of Judgment." (6)

🔴 6⃣ Bad Ending
A man told Imam Sadiq (AS):
"My neighbors have maidservants who sing and play the lute. Sometimes, I prolong my stay in the restroom just to listen to them." The Imam replied: "Do not do that. You will have no excuse before Allah on the Day of Judgment. Have you not read the verse that says: 'Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart—all of those will be questioned about.'?" The man said: "By Allah, it is as if I have never read or heard this verse before. I will never do it again and seek Allah's forgiveness." The Imam then said: "Rise, perform ablution, and pray as much as you can, for you were engaged in a major sin. You were in a bad state, and if you had died without repenting, you would have been ruined." (7)

🔴 7⃣ Hardening of the Heart
The Prophet (SAW) said to Imam Ali (AS):
"Three things harden the heart: listening to music and singing, hunting, and frequenting the courts of tyrants." (8)

🔴 8⃣ Loss of Modesty and Indifference
Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
"If someone plays the harp (a type of string instrument) in their house for forty days, Allah will impose a devil named 'Qafandar' upon them, who will take over every part of their body. As a result, they will lose all sense of modesty and become indifferent to what is said to them." (9)

📚 Sources:

Al-Kafi, Volume 6, Page 433
Al-Kafi, Volume 6, Page 434
Wasa'il al-Shi'a, Volume 12, Page 235
Al-Durr al-Manthur, Volume 5, Page 305
Al-Durr al-Manthur, Volume 5, Page 305
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, Volume 13, Page 222
Al-Kafi, Volume 6, Page 1655, Hadith 10
Nasa'ih, translated by Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, Page 134
Al-Kafi, Volume 6, Page 1655, Hadith 17

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#Islam #Hadith #AhlulBayt #Music #Morality #Faith #Spirituality #Modesty #Blessings